Update Facebook status via any device

     I don't have an iPhone 5 but i can still update my fb status via iPhone 5.

     We are not a millionaire so we don't have a list of smart devices .But you think like a hacker
    you can do it .
     You can show of your friend that you have a smart device ,in your fb status show via a device.When your friends see your fb status they were shocked.
    Now you can update status via difference devices ranging from android phone to iPhone . From now on, no need to feel upset when your friend updates status from his expensive gadgets.


    1. Go to this link Facebook Developers
    2. Create your account if you don't have
    3. Click on Apps (The last option of the top menu beside search bar)
    4. Now click on Create New App
    5. Now if you want to post your status with iPhone then type iphone in place of App Name
    6. Click on continue
    7. Now it will ask you to enter captcha. Just enter the captcha and move ahead

    1. 1. Fill the display name (If you want to update your status with iphone then type iphone).   
    2. Enter an app domain and site url (If you don't have domain then enter what I have entered in this app) 
    3.  Sandbox mode must be disabled. 
    4. Copy the App ID 
      Save changes.
    Now you will see the basic settings of the app. See the image below


    1. Copy one from these URLs 
    2. Paste your App ID which you have copied in the red marked area.
    3. Now your URL will be like

      https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=429297103855432<place your app id>&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com&to&display=touch
      Open the URL with your browser and post your status.


      You find more precreated app id at this site of various devices.




    Source URL: https://ampledreams.blogspot.com/2013/11/update-facebook-status-via-any-device.html
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